
Looks like develop for this site is already running, can you visit http://localhost:8000 ? If it is not, try again in five seconds

Divyansh Tripathi
September 19th, 2021 · 1 min read

I recently faced this error while working with gatsby and couldn’t find anything substantial as a result so here are a list of things you can do to solve it -

Clean you global Gatsby sites folder to rebuild

Delete the ~/.config/gatsby/sites folder

1rm -rf ~/.config/gatsby/sites

or on Windows delete this folder :-

1C:\Users\[your name]\.config\gatsby\sites

Clean Gatsby Cache

1gatsby clean

Run ps aux to see if gatsby is still running on any port

1ps aux | grep gatsby

If you see any result kill those processses and try gatsby develop again.

Last resort

What worked for me after updating gatsby-cli and gatsby, was to initialize new test project with gatsby new your-project-name somewhere else (just to test if the new starter would work). Run gatsby develop, it should start the dev server, open it on http://localhost:8000. Now cmd/ctrl+c to close it and you can delete that test project.

Now go back to your project that didn’t work and try gatsby develop, everything should work now.

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